The Unexpected Community

Sometimes you’ll be doing something random in life and all of a sudden you’re surrounded by people who form an unexpected community. Maybe you’ll be stuck on a bus in traffic and someone will tell a joke and soon everyone is smiling and talking.

Here is a lovely little story about just such a thing. One man, Shel Israel, is grocery shopping one day when he finds out he is a grandfather. He says, “Slowly, I realized that my eyes were misting up. And then I was bawling like Isla [the new baby] must have done a few hours earlier. I stood there wondering if I could shoplift a Kleenex when some guy came up to me, concerned, asking what was wrong. I told him I had just learned I had a new granddaughter. He stared for second, then, beaming, stuck out his hand.”

Read the rest of Shel’s story here.

I’d be interested to hear other stories of spontaneous, “unexpected” community!

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About Dawn-Ann

I grew up in British Columbia and now reside in Coquitlam. Nature lover, thinker, far-seer. Devoted gramma to two brilliant grand-kids (now almost adults!). My life just keeps getting richer and better all the time! Travel is my passion, as is studying cultures, languages and, more recently, writing.
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