Tag Archives: Gardening-Prepping

For me, God is in the birds and trees

The hills were silent again except for one birdsong, and it cheered me slightly. See? If there were no other proof of the existence of a bigger reality than birds, they would do it for me. ~ Anne Lamott, Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith Before I start my new reading … [read]

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The Urban Farming Guys

I haven’t been this excited about a new ‘Net find since I found the Urban Homesteaders! Now Urban Farming Guys have taken things to a new level. Learn about milking goats. Aquaponics. Making your own soap! Create a community of like-minded urbanite farmers around you. Have a look at this … [read]

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Vertical farming, Part II

What got me thinking about vertical gardening again was a post a friend sent to me about a back-yard structure you can grow strawberries and herbs on. When you’re short on space, gardening UP makes so much sense, doesn’t it? Here are a couple of great ideas that some other … [read]

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Calgary now allows backyard chickens

Tom wouldn’t let me raise chickens even if I wanted to but it’s nice to know the option has become available. Wouldn’t it be nice to have fresh eggs and chicken to eat? But they’re a lot of work and mess and I just don’t have the time right now, … [read]

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Urban agriculture in Edinburgh

One of the highlights of our trip to Scotland last year was Edinburgh. We happened to hit town during the Fringe Festival and the music, people and vibrant sights are burned in my memory (and stored on my harddrive) forever. The Scots are brilliant and resourceful, so it comes as … [read]

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Wee homes leave a smaller footprint

Tiny homes have long intrigued me ever since my best friend Wendy and I planned to buy a camper and make like gypsies. We were very young, with dreams of travelling adventures and far horizons. Even now I think about downsizing sometimes just for simplicity’s sake. So, naturally, I was … [read]

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Diggin’ around

It’s the first real, sunny, gorgeous day of the year so far and I’ve been out in the gardens, watering and weeding. Seems we have a bumper crop of weeds this year, so I may have to get out a hoe rather than try to pick ’em all by hand. … [read]

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Waiting for spring

Spring is gathering steam here in Calgary. The mounds of snow we received this year are slowly starting to recede and the sun is getting warmer and higher in the sky. I got excited and went out in the back yard to see what’s up back there. Look what I … [read]

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This excellent article definitely fits into the Urban Homesteading category. It debates the pros and cons of so-called organic foods and the “local diet” concept, which may actually be leaving a bigger carbon footprint than we believe. Now, this is hard for me to admit, being a bit of a … [read]

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What’s in my bread?

I have had a loaf of bread sitting on my counter for a week now. My husband and I have been eating it in fits and starts – a piece of toast to go with my oatmeal one morning, a couple of slices of French toast another. Each time I … [read]

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