Maybe you were right all along

We all dream big dreams when we’re young, don’t we? Things are black and white and man, we’re going to change the world.

Let your light shine

But life often jades us. We get caught up in the day-to-day and lose our dreams along the way. We start to second-guess ourselves and wonder how we were foolish enough to think we could change anything.

That’s the premise of Pamela Slim’s moving blog entry, Note to younger self: you were right. In it, she reflects upon the big dreams of her college days. Surely, she says, “with compassionate hearts and some really good slide shows, we could fix everything.” After struggling with discouragement, years later Pamela discovers you can change the world – if not in grandiose ways, then one tiny corner at a time.

Her article gives me hope. Read the rest of it here.

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About Dawn-Ann

I grew up in British Columbia and now reside in Coquitlam. Nature lover, thinker, far-seer. Devoted gramma to two brilliant grand-kids (now almost adults!). My life just keeps getting richer and better all the time! Travel is my passion, as is studying cultures, languages and, more recently, writing.
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