The evolution of a plan

I am having a lot of fun hanging out with my children and grandchildren down in the Greater Vancouver Area of BC. We had a fantastic birthday party yesterday and today I am catching up on a few things.

Happy birthday to adorable 5-year-old twins I know. <3

Happy birthday to adorable 5-year-old twins I know. <3

Plans have evolved a bit since my previous posts. My husband and I decided, since I’ll be spending so much more time in BC anyway, we may as well expand our business there, as well. This opens up all kinds of new opportunities, including being able to employ some family members as we grow.

As well, my youngest son, a college student, may be sharing an apartment with me for awhile, until he gets on his feet. It’s pretty crowded where he is now and he’ll have “our” place to himself for much of the time, so that’s going to be a win/win scenario.

See how creative you can get when you start really thinking about things?

Have I mentioned lately how excited I am?

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About Dawn-Ann

I grew up in British Columbia and now reside in Coquitlam. Nature lover, thinker, far-seer. Devoted gramma to two brilliant grand-kids (now almost adults!). My life just keeps getting richer and better all the time! Travel is my passion, as is studying cultures, languages and, more recently, writing.
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