Author Archives: Dawn-Ann

About Dawn-Ann

I grew up in British Columbia but now reside in Calgary. Nature lover, thinker, CE-5'er and far-seer. Devoted gramma to adorable twin grandchildren. My life just keeps getting richer and better all the time!

My Auntie Lonna

My Auntie, Lonna Karen Kirkpatrick, was only a few years older than me but she and my uncle, her brother George, doted on me like the little sister they never had. Their eyes would light up whenever they saw me. With Lonna, as with George, I always felt very special, … [read]

Posted in Family, General, Kirkpatrick | 4 Comments

Peter Paul May, Part 1

In pursuing the genealogy of my grandfather, Peter Paul May, I have hit a dead end. There seem to be very few records of his life and I think this needs to be rectified. Because my “Papa Pete,” as I knew him, was a vibrant, dynamic individual in his day. … [read]

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Developing intuition (and communication with animals?)

This one is kinda on the “woo” side, but anyway… I think my intuition is improving. I’ve been asking for help in that regard and, like several of my woo friends, I feel like I’m getting that help. Here are three examples: 1) Today Tom and I were watching Antiques … [read]

Posted in ET-Consciousness-Woo, Inspiration, Nature | Leave a comment

Update for 2021 so far…

It’s been so long since I wrote but I’m getting back into the swing of things! I’ve been in Calgary for awhile now but I’m getting homesick for Vancouver Island. Planning a trip there soon, in spite of “the covid.” (What a time THAT has been!) Rathtrevor Beach is calling … [read]

Posted in ET-Consciousness-Woo, Exploring!, General | Leave a comment

A blessing on your head, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov…*

I had an interesting experience sitting in McDonalds with Tom the other morning. I was sending love to a large group of handicapped adults and their caretakers. I do this from time to time with all sorts of random people; I feel hopeful it may help them to receive a … [read]

Posted in ET-Consciousness-Woo, Inspiration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Leash training fun and games…

So, in an effort to keep my cats healthy and happy I have been trying to leash train them so we can go out for walks. With mixed results. Little boy cat (the black one) loves to go out and has taken to the leash because he knows it means … [read]

Posted in Exploring!, General, Van Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

Van Life Update #5 – Diminishing Footprint, Expanding Vistas

It’s been over a month since I moved out of my apartment and into my van. There have been some challenges but I am slowly getting things figured out. Some things I love are being in Nature more, waking up to new scenes in the morning, more solitude, not being … [read]

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Coming out as a contactee

When I was a young teen (13 – 15 or so) I had a sighting that excited and amazed me. I was playing outside with my sisters and some friends that day. It was starting to get dusky and they all went indoors but something told me, “Stay out and … [read]

Posted in ET-Consciousness-Woo, General | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Consciousness and love and patience…

“Vulnerability is having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome.” Brené Brown I notice I am so changed this visit over last. I am full of love and compassion, even to the dogs. I used to fear and despise dogs as messy, drooly, stupid creatures; now … [read]

Posted in ET-Consciousness-Woo, Family, Inspiration, Senior (55+) life | Tagged | Leave a comment

Van Life #4 – Update & working remotely from the road

​I am in Calgary now. The cats are adjusting well and seem content. They’ve made a little cubbyhole for themselves under the bed for if they need to get away but often they’ll sit up top, checking out the scenery. I stop regularly to just sit with them for awhile, … [read]

Posted in Business, Senior (55+) life, Technology, Van Life | Tagged | Leave a comment